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Toci Tonantzin

Price: Toci Tonantzin

Toci Tonantzin  

Great Mother  Nuestra abuela  

Toci means “grandmother” and Tonantzin means “great mother.” Identified with ancient wise women, she is the patron of medicine and protector of new mothers and their babies. She guards the temazcal, the purifying sweat bath. Most likely a pre-Aztec deity, Toci Tonantzin is associated with the earth, often thought of as the heart of the earth. She is honored at her temple at Tepeyac, now the site of the Basilica de Guadalupe in Mexico City. There are virtually no images of Toci, so the image on the card combines La Virgen de Guadalupe and other symbols associated with her.


When Tonantzin appears, she is here as an adviser to remind you to keep your feet on the ground and take care of yourself as well as those around you. She reminds you to listen to and trust your inner wisdom. She invites you to remember that with every experience, you become wiser. Trust yourself.